September 1, 2010

Day 3: Is there a doctor in the house?

Today's post is sponsored by cleaning wipes (Lysol, Clorox, take your pick!).  The day was good, but interesting.  We were getting into our routines, children were working and asking questions. 


...There was a series of massive nosebleeds. 

Three, to be exact. 

In the span of two hours. 

All from the same child.

The first nosebleed started on the way back from special, which happened to be library.  My class was filing into the hallway, being followed by another class, when I hear "Mrs. ___, I have a nosebleed!"  I turn (from checking over class behavior with the librarian) to see one of my students with a palm full of blood.  The librarian grabbed a box of tissue and we stuffed some in his bloody hand to sop up what was there while stuffing another wad of tissue in his other hand so he could pinch his nose. 

While walking back to my line, which hasn't moved because the students were waiting for directions from me (good little listeners, even if we were blocking the hallway at this point!), I noticed that my little friend left a bloody trail on the tile.  Sigh.  Enter me, trying to warn the other classes to step around the trail while coordinating my messenger to deliver a message to the office for the custodian.  This feat was easier said than done, as there were six second-grade classes trying to leave special while five third-grade classes were trying to get to special.  Sigh again.

The custodian was summoned, my class was ushered down the hall to our room, no one tracked the trail (as far as I know), and attention was turned the nosebleed. 

The nosebleed. 

The nosebleed that, when checked for signs of slowing five minutes in, succeeded in spurting from the nose of my poor student and splattering the insides of the trash can.

The nosebleed that went through what seemed like half a box of tissues, trying to get the bleeding to stop.

The nosebleed that went on for 10 more minutes before I had to send the messenger to the office again to summon the nurse, who had to leave her lunch break to come and get my kiddo to treat him. 

The nosebleed that took the nurse another 10 minutes to get under control before she could send my kiddo back. 

The nosebleed....that returned.

The second time (about 45 minutes later) began much like the first, but with minimal mess. (Aside from the poor boy's hands, that is.)  We were able to stop this one pretty quickly.  We had the nosebleeds licked! 

Or so we thought.

Ten minutes before dismissal, guess who decides to pay yet another visit?  This time, the flow was a lot like the second, but the mess ended up on the desk, a pencil, and the floor.  (Thank goodness for cleaning wipes!)  We managed to get this one under control and everything cleaned up before my friend was dismissed, but not before I gave him strict orders of "No more nosebleeds today!" 

I really don't think his little body could have taken another one!

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