November 12, 2010


Yesterday was report card conferences.  I was here from 8:00 until 4:15.  (Some of my conferences went over, despite the fact that I use a timer to try and stay on track.  Really, 10 minutes to give the report card--which parents are seeing for the first time--and go over all of your concerns, parents concerns, and any additional questions?!?!)  I stayed on track as best I could. 

Suggestion to all of you who may not already do this:  Bring a drink!  Preferably a warm one to keep your throat from getting scratchy (or at least lesson the effect!).  Here's my tea in one of those cups I posted about a few weeks back when I was battling my cold.

Vanilla Caramel tea.  My favorite!
Once I had the beverage situation taken care of, I set up my table with the report cards, my schedule, a timer, a pen and note card for jotting down things, and my newsletter.  (Couldn't get this one to attach to anything, so I took a pic of it.)  The newsletter just tells parents what we will be working on throughout the quarter so they can have a heads up.  As a parent myself, I like these because if I know my child has problems with fractions, and fractions are going to be covered, I can at least preview some material with him. Under Language Arts, I include subcategories for grammar, comprehension, phonics, and writing skills.

Second quarter newsletter
While parents are waiting, I have a space outside in the hallway where they can sit in adult-sized chairs.  The plastic green basket is holding note cards and markers so parents can write a little note to their child while they wait.  On the table are more of my donation cards with requests for foaming hand soap, paper towels, and tissue with lotion.  The dark green wire basket has candy in it, while the light green basket on the floor had children's books in it.  (Sometimes parents bring along their children, so the books keep the kiddos occupied while the parents are in meeting with me.) 

A comfy space to wait

Overall, the day went well.  I was just tired from talking all day long.  And by bedtime, my throat was feeling a little scratchy.  It felt much better this morning.

If you haven't had your conferences yet, you might want to try a few of these ideas.  Or if you've already had your conferences, you might want to try a few for next time around.  AND, if you have any neat additions I can post for others to see, please send them in via the comment link below. 

Looking forward to your ideas! 

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