March 17, 2011

Day 124: Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today was St. Patrick's Day, so the building was bathed in green.  We had a good day today, some of which is highlighted below.

In the afternoon, we had an assembly on Irish dancing.  One of the second-grade girls is a competitive Irish dancer and offered to dance for us a few weeks ago.  She partnered up with a first-grade girl who also studies the art.  During the assembly, the girls wore their full costume and performed for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade.  They also answered questions about dancing, Ireland (one has been there already), and the costumes.  As a surprise treat, our assistant principal also performed an Irish dance she remembered from her days as a competitive dancer.  She explained that her grandmother was from Ireland, and Irish dancing was a huge part of her childhood.  I think the children were very impressed with what they saw.

When we returned to the classroom after the assembly, we were greeted with the work of "leprechauns."  Student desks were moved; chairs were stacked or on top of desks; bookbags, lunchboxes, and jackets were strewn about and hanging from various surfaces; and math manipulatives were all over the floor, along with the whiteboard and easel they usually rest on.  The students (being the sweet children they are) immediately began cleaning up the room (after they got over the shock, that is).  Then they promptly began searching for the leprechaun, which they didn't find.  No gold or wishes for us today.

Even so, I hope you were able to enjoy the luck of the Irish a bit yourself!

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