May 22, 2011

Day 167: A Visit From the Weatherman

Day 168 saw a visit from a local television weather forecaster.  One of the science units in second grade focuses on weather.  The students learn what a meteorologist is and does, what tools are used to forecast the weather, what the water cycle is and how it relates to weather, how seasons change, and what dangerous weather is.  As an extra step, I also have my students do research reports on different types of dangerous weather.  So to find out that an actual meteorologist from TV was coming to visit the school....!  Well, that was just the highlight of the students' day!

When he visited, he started off with some weather-related jokes.  One of the student favorites:  "What is a tornado's favorite game?  Twister!"  After that, he had student volunteers come up to help demonstrate things like the four elements of weather (temperature, wind, air pressure, and humidity), the water cycle, how thunder is created, dangerous weather, and safety tips for dangerous weather. He also showed students some of the tools he uses and let them take a look and try them out.  He also show them his "pet tornado," a device the creates a tornado in a jar at the flip of a switch.  (I think everyone wants one now!)  At the end, we took a group picture of the students with him and he broadcast it on the 5:00 newscast.  So the students got a chance to meet a local celebrity, learn a bit, and be celebrities for a day themselves.

It was a good day.

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