October 2, 2012

Away for a While. Now I'm Back!

I'm back!

I truly apologize for being MIA.  In the last two months, we moved to a new home, started the kids in a new school district, and traveled away for my brother's wedding.  Add to that an arm injury that kept me out of commission for a while, and here we are.

That said, let's move on.

In my children's district, we are a little more than halfway through the first quarter of the school year.  Observing the inner workings of a new district has had my brain on overdrive trying to think of ideas.  Even though I am no longer in the classroom, I have so many ideas to share.  I feel like I have more flexibility now that I am NOT in the classroom because I am no longer constricted by district guidelines and expectations.

Seeing as we are in a new school year, I've decided to add in study tips you can share with parents.  By this time, you are aware of your students' strengths and needs.  You may or may not need some ideas, but they'll be here if you need them.  Share if you like.



And away we go!

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