August 11, 2010

More Preparation

I've been slowly getting my school supplies.  (I like to catch the sales, so I get a little each week.)  This week I stocked up on Crayola crayons, 25 cents a box, down from $1.19 a box at Target.  Good deal made better considering I had to buy 24 boxes! 

I also bought my pens from Office Max. If you are like me, I am particular about what I write with on a daily basis.  I like pens with brightly colored ink, medium to large points, and thick barrels, preferably with a gel cushion or something.  I usually buy Pentech pens, but I found some pens with my specifications at a great price:  two packs of five for just over $3.00.  (They are buy one, get one this week.) 

I still need to order school supplies online; that will be done in the next two days or so.  Hopefully what I need will still be in stock.  It's a bit late, true, but I also have two school-age children I've been simultaneously buying supplies for as well. 

We're finally down to the school clothes part.  Although, I don't usually buy new clothes before school starts.  I buy shoes and a few basics, but then I wait until after the school year begins to get the rest (when it's on clearance!).  This is not to say my kids go to school in raggedy clothes. Definitely not. They have play clothes and regular clothes (for errands, doctor's appointments, church, and now, school).  Play clothes stay home. (Although my youngest would have no problems wearing his favorite play shirt EVERYWHERE!)

Anyhow, I found that Jo Ann Fabrics and Big Lots are having their Teacher Appreciation Days this weekend, August 14 (Big Lots) and August 14-15 (Jo Ann Fabrics).  Be sure to check your local area for offers from other stores, especially Borders/Waldenbooks, and some of the larger department stores.  I've got my eye on a wicker chair at Big Lots; I've been looking for a new reading chair for class.  I also have my eye on some safari-themed fabric at Jo Ann Fabrics.  I want to make a new cushion for my chair and maybe new curtains for my classroom windows to add color.  The beige and giraffe curtains I currently have are a little drab against the beige walls and cabinets of the room.  Now I know I told you I was able to make said curtains for under $20.  I am not going to spend a ton on fabric if I decide to make new curtains.  With the current sale on the safari-themed fabric, (50% off), it comes to $3.50 a yard.  Add an extra 20% off if I go on Saturday, and I can still get what I need for under $20.  I guess I need to make a decision because time is ticking fast!
Three weeks.  Sigh.

I'm slooowly getting there.

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