August 21, 2010

Room Arranging Has Begun!

Oh, the joys of organization.  Right.  I was in the building this past week arranging my room.  Painfully so.  Here's the deal:  temps were in the high 80s/low 90s, my building has no air conditioning, my room faces the bus loop (which is on the sunny side of the building--of course!), and air flow is not the best.  Needless to say, I was a sweaty, stinky, tired mess at the end of the day each day.  And I have more this week.  Joy.

With all that said, however, I did make some progress.  I cleaned out two of the four drawers of my filing cabinet.  They all looked like this:

This is my Language Arts drawer.  I have stories, writing projects, journals, and daily language practice in here.  Sadly, this was not one of the two drawers I made it through on Friday.  I just didn't have the energy to do it after the other two.  However,  Monday is a different story.

But then, about an hour and a half later...

This is the first half of my math program, Units 1-6.  Units 7-12 are in the drawer underneath.  I literally could not get any more papers in this drawer before cleaning it out.  Doesn't it look purty? 
Aside from the filing cabinet, I also managed to arrange my desks, get some posters up, and clean out my desk.  I still need to reorganize my class library, and finish my last two file drawers.  Really looking forward to that.   (You can hear the sarcasm, right?) 

On a brighter note, I did come up with more ideas to help make life a little easier.  Grab a pencil or hit "Print"; here they are!
  • Keep two copies of all worksheets.  One for sending away to copy; one to have as a backup.
  • File according to math lesson, social studies lesson, language arts story, etc.  All sheets, models, overheads, and patterns go in the file folder.  I also file writing, daily language practice, holidays, etc. by themselves.  I'm a fan of color coding by subject, too. 
  • Keep a list of reference books written in the inside cover.  For example, in my Black History Month folder, I've listed all of the books and stories I have in my library so I can pull them when needed.   
  • Keep duplicate overheads.  When you have the same overhead to reference across several lessons, you won't have to hunt around or try to remember which story/lesson to file it with.
  • Before sending out your family welcome letters, check your roster against the nurse's roster for food allergies.  You can put the information in your letter so parents are aware before school even starts.  Useful for snack time and class parties.  
  • If your materials come in shrink wrap, use an envelope opener.  You will save time and your scissors can take a break.
  • Use painter's tape to put up decorations.  It's less messy than Sticky Clips and comes off better than regular masking tape.  Your custodians will thank you.
  • When putting your items together for students, make at least one extra set.  (This means books, folders, journals, parent info sent during the first week, etc.)  If you get a new student during the year, you don't have to hunt around for the materials.  A set is already there. See below. 
Ready for a new student.  Paperwork is in a separate folder in my desk.

Hope this helps.  More to come; stay tuned!  

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