August 5, 2010


Okay.  Today was spent going through my beginning-of-the-year checklist.  You know, the list that reminds me of what needs to be done to prepare for the school year and what to get finished.  I've begun gathering things for this school year.  I've gathered plastic twin-pocket folders to use for take-home folders. (I like these better than laminated folders because they are extremely durable.  Got them on sale at Target this week for 35 cents each.)

I also purchased my personal planner.  I use a Mead student planner because I prefer the layout to other planners I've used--and I'll admit, I like the funky patterns.  

Past that, I've been taking inventory of extras.  You know, the things you wish you had when something happens, but didn't really think of getting until something happens.  My classroom "extras" list is comprised of:
  • Band-Aids
  • Kleenex
  • Select-a-size paper towels (Just the right size for little hands.)
  • Hand sanitizer (If your school permits it.)
  • Ziploc baggies in snack and sandwich sizes (SO many uses!)
  • Baby wipes (If you use them for the overhead or wiping small hands, you can usually get away with cutting them in half before use. They last twice as long.)
  • Hand soap refills (I find that foaming hand soap is easier to rinse and lasts much longer than regular liquid soap.) 
I usually display little cards with the name of an item from the list above during Parent Night.  That way, parents can choose what item(s) to donate.  I also display them during conference days so I can be stocked throughout the year. 

My personal "extras" list consists of:
  • Deodorant (No A/C in my building!)
  • Safety pins
  • Extra body spray (See note about deodorant!)
  • Mints
  • Lip gloss
  • Personal hand sanitizer (For use after sneezing, coughing, touching student papers and folders, etc.)
  • Excedrin
  • Personal sewing kit (For those little mishaps.) 
I keep these locked in my class closet.  (Except the mints, lip gloss, and personal hand sanitizer; those stay at my desk for quick access.) 

Other things you may want to keep (locked away) in your room are:
  • Extra batteries (For games and gadgets that need them.)
  • Screwdriver  (For getting backs off of said games and gadgets.)
  • Disinfectant like Lysol
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Sponges 
I've also been gleaning through my worksheets and organization papers for centers, rules, etc.  I've found that I have quite a few saved on my computer at school, and need to get them off.  Hopefully I can get into my room Monday.  I found my sheets for centers, test folders, behavior tracking grid, desk fairy, and student background.  Now if you're not familiar with some of these, don't fret.  All explanations will accompany the sheets when posted.

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