October 8, 2010

Day 28: Math Night

Day 28, which was Thursday, was Math Night at my school.  Math Night is a big deal because the children have the opportunity to come to school with their parents or guardians and show off their math skills through math games and other activities in a nonthreatening environment.  Because our school is so large, we have to alternate by grade levels.  Last night was K-2.  Grades 3-5 will have another night.

Each grade level is given a specific area of the building to host their activities.  Kindergarten hosted in their classrooms and had an open rotation of games.  First grade hosted in the cafeteria, and second grade hosted in the gym.  The games and activities varied, but our grade level had quite a few: tangrams, pattern blocks, attribute blocks, dominoes, flashcards, geoboards, countdown, Top-It, the Number Grid game, Three Addends, Basketball Addition, 3-2-1, and clock games. The kids loved showing their parents all of the games they've learned in class and the skills they have learned. (I think it also helped that most of the kids were winning the games they challenged their parents to play!)

While the kids and parents were playing for the hour, the PTA supplied refreshments and door prizes.  There were games, smiles, laughter, and snacks.  What else could you need?

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