October 14, 2010

Day 30: Current Events

I'm thinking of adding in a Current Events feature to social studies each week.  With all of the news events going on in our community, state, and world, I think it would be a valuable learning tool for my students.  It always surprises me when I refer to something that I saw on the news and only a handful of children have a clue as to what I'm talking about.

I'm thinking I could break things down in a format similar to my local newspaper.  You know, with sections not only for local, state, and world news, but subcategories for sports, human interest, culture, and even comics.  I'm just trying to figure out how to assign projects (maybe on a rotating basis) AND where in the world I have the space to display the items and will have access to change them weekly.  My available board space is filled with LFS focus boards and vocabulary and things like the calendar, daily schedule, and routine posters.  I might cover a shelf and use that space.  I just need to take a look at my room.

Do any of you do current event projects?  How do you display them?  Where do you display them?  How do you manage the entire thing? 

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