October 14, 2010

Day 31: Dads and Doughnuts

My school's PTA sponsors a program each fall called Dads and Doughnuts.  It's a day set aside where dads, grandpas, uncles, etc. can come in before school with their children and socialize with other male figures while enjoying doughnuts, juice, and coffee.  (Actually, because of our large student population, we have to split the program over two mornings, with last names beginning with A-M one day and N-Z the next.)  It's a pretty cool thing to see all of these dads and other male figures hanging out with their children.

For the children who may not have a male figure in their lives, moms, aunts, and grandmas are allowed to attend if they so choose.  It's not uncommon to see several women mixed in the crowd.  And still, there are a few families where both parents come in, and that's okay, too.

The PTA also does something in the spring called Moms and Muffins, which follows the same format.  The kids really enjoy both programs, and the parents enjoy the extra time looking at the student work hanging in the halls and informally talking with the teachers. 

Today was the first day.  Tomorrow is the other. 

I think I'll try a treat with sprinkles.

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